My mind was so black out!!! work!! dealines !!! I must get away from all the mess in my head!
So out of the blues on the recent Sunday, I decided to pack my bag sag and off to somewhere alone... (how I wish I could go to Tim-bug-too) I decided to go to Hentian Putra..seeks for any bus ride up to east coast...there was none available. I tried to get a flight and manage to get the last flight to Terrengganu the very same night...thx to Lid... :) well known for it's beatiful white sandy beaches of Perhentian and Redang Island...however, since it is monsoon season the Island is close until early next year
unlucky me... :(

I stayed at "KT Mutiara" in heart of Kuala Terrengganu's town (recomended by the taxi driver)...just 'OK" for simple traveller like me. All the basic necssesities are there and nearby.
Day One
Sight at the bus terminal, where the first place I was introduce to "Albort" (how the local - bahaso org ganu) I learned something new from the local about this "Albort"...the name was so alien to me and makes me curious even more to know about this creature they called "Albort" and my first encounter has I was eagerly waiting...for someone
Local Bus Terminal - satu kenangan
Local transportation for short tour of the town, nice and eye catching...
Dataran Shahbandar in Terrenganu
Pantai Batu Buruk (not so buruk)

I tried the local dish for breakfast...Nasi Dagang...brown rice nicely wrap in banana leaf serve with fish curry.

Day Two
When to the Crystal Mosque. It is beautiful place indeed..(sempat pergi solat kat sana) They have minitures of famous mosque of the worlds..worth seeing it and very informative. You will get more info during short presentation at dedicated station...Enjoy the ride!

The Crystal Mosque
My Dine along the riverside at Dataran ShahBandar

Day Three
The very must visit..the famous Pasar Payang in Terrengganu. Lots of local activities and sellers transacting busines. Terrengganu is famous for it's songket weaving. A good quality songket may fetch a price of RM2,000 or higher! 

On the way back to the airport, passed by the new a site to remmember (patutlah ada org kata ada Ultraman lawan Monster mengamuk)

Lastly....the "Albort" is actually a Guaniee Pig that we may have known. Strange! this is the first time I ever heard a Gueniee pig are called "Albort" in malay language, to most of us in Kay El...we may called them Tikus Belanda or Argus...
Well my short trip is worth it and rest assured I will be back to this town coz something special is waiting.. bye Terrengganu and my cute Albort...Happy Birthday - 4 Jan 2010

note: some of the pictures were obtained from internet.
bestnyer berjalan...luas pandangan.......