Most people you deal with are probably decent and to be around. However, there always a few who aren’t. You can’t avoid them…

...the ones who will take any opportunity to stab you in the back or do you down.
They can be your best friends today and be your greatest
rivals the very next day. They will drown you down to your last breath at any chances they get…cruel??? Well that the name of the game… The winners takes it all the losser has to fall.
We see and read almost every day about incidences that leads to sorrow merely because the hidden agenda of some for greed… War, Fame, Power and Money Politic … just to name a few.

So my dear readers…let us look after our self and our love ones….you never know who’s lurking back on you…a dangerous world now it has become.

But learn to forgive them..they may just a bunch of people who are sick and just unaware of it...
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