Monday, January 25, 2010

My Gift

My judgment and decision was undecided recently for a gift…what is the best gift I could give to someone who is very dear to me…Like a brother he was …He is a person who has mind of his own but at time unaware of the situation he wanted to be…a typical human syndrome I might say.

For his special occasions, I waited and search for the gift I wanted to give to him…Something that is beyond his wishes but a useful though and tools for him to explore further in his life.

So I decide…the 3 most important things in my life for him to explore and understand…Hoping this would give him the direction of life he is looking for.

My gift to him was…
Knowledge, is the strength of every man should have. It shows the direction, the ways and the rules in handling our life.
The Great Prophet's Muhamad ; once said…”if you want to be successful in this world is with Knowledge and if you want to be successful in afterlife (akhirat) is with Knowledge and you want to be successful in both this world and afterlife is also with Knowledge…”

Time, is the only thing that is equal for every man. All of us share the same equal of time and the only different is how much time we have and what do we do with the time that we have in this world.
The Holy Quran in Surah Asar recite the importance and value of time for mankind.
Relationship, is the social part of every man. We need to be love and feel love of someone we feel attached with.

Above all…the best gift for every mankind is receiving ISLAM with the Love and Bless by the Allah SWT

Friday, January 22, 2010


Most people you deal with are probably decent and to be around. However, there always a few who aren’t. You can’t avoid them…

...the ones who will take any opportunity to stab you in the back or do you down.

They can be your best friends today and be your greatest rivals the very next day. They will drown you down to your last breath at any chances they get…cruel??? Well that the name of the game… The winners takes it all the losser has to fall.

We see and read almost every day about incidences that leads to sorrow merely because the hidden agenda of some for greed… War, Fame, Power and Money Politic … just to name a few.
So my dear readers…let us look after our self and our love ones….you never know who’s lurking back on you…a dangerous world now it has become.

But learn to forgive them..they may just a bunch of people who are sick and just unaware of it...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

WE are Who we are....

I received an email below stating a view point from the first prime minister granddaughter i.e the late TAR

Indeed the article is well written...unfortunately it does not represent what other people's thinking.

As for Me…I want to be known as "Malay" and for me and my loves, we will have a heritage to fall and proud of.

Being Malaysian is good but that does not means we have to forgo our ethnic identity for the sake of harmony. You can be Malay, Chinese, Indians, Iban etc as a race and a Malaysian at the same time.

I'm proud to marked myself as Malay and Islam as religious in any form which require for me to reveal my ethnic identity cause it associated with my heritage and my faith.

A Chinese will have its origin and heritage associated with homeland Indian will have the same towards India..but we Malays, if this is taken out from us..Then our Malay generations will not remember the origins...the article written is a good example.

My bloodline too does not come soley as true Malay. My grand mom is a Chinese, my uncle is Chinese and most of my best friends in school are Chinese and Indians not Malays, the key point here is we have to continuously educate our self whether you're now old and wiser, youngsters or a toddler, is to respect whatever your origin may be...only then Insyallah...a true Malaysian generation will emerge.

Whether you're a malay but wishes not to practice is your own choice. But do not preaches negetively on other who wishes to do so. You can be so calm looking at nuns walking around giving advices but point out loud negetively when we sees ulamak or ustaz around giving advice...Can we be label as Liberal Thinkers for the sake of harmony but we practice discrimination in our thinking in the name of liberalization?

If you ask about equality among races then a question arose in me what if I was born in China, would I have the same equal rights as the Chinese in China but I'm not Chinese. Does their constitution speak about equality...even the more advance country still living in limbo on equal rights, till then let's focus on building up harmony rather than changing for uncertainty.

me...Ohalf a true Malay Malaysian...

The email written....
Sharyn Lisa Shufiyan, 24, Conservationist (the granddaughter of the late TAR)
Both my parents are Malay. My mum's heritage includes Chinese, Thai and Arab, while my dad is Minangkabau. Due to my skin colour, I am often mistaken for a Chinese.

I'm happy that I don't have the typical Malay look but I do get annoyed when people call me Ah Moi or ask me straight up "Are you Chinese or Malay"

Like, why does it matter? Before I used to answer "Malay" but now I'm trying to consciously answer Malaysian instead.

There's this incident from primary school that I remember till today. Someone told me that I will be called last during Judgement Day because I don't have a Muslim name. Of course, I was scared then but now that I'm older, I realise that a name is just a name. It doesn't define you as a good or bad person and there is definitely no such thing as a Muslim name. You can be named Rashid or Ali and still be a Christian.

I've heard of the 1Malaysia concept, but I think we don't need to be told to be united. We've come such a long way that it should already be embedded in our hearts and minds that we are united. Unfortunately, you can still see racial discrimination and polarisation. There is still this ethno-centric view that the Malays are the dominant group and their rights must be protected, and non Malays are forever the outsiders.

For the concept to succeed, I think the government should stop with the race politics. It's tiring, really. We grew up with application forms asking us to tick our race. We should stop painting a negative image of the other races, stop thinking about 'us' and 'them' and focus on 'we', 'our' and 'Malaysians'.

No one should be made uncomfortable in their own home. A dear Chinese friend of mine said to me once, "I don't feel patriotic because I am not made to feel like Malaysia is my home, and I don't feel an affinity to China because I have never lived there.

I know some baby Nyonya friends who can trace their lineage back hundreds of years. I'm a fourth generation Malaysian. If I am Bumiputra, why can't they be, too? Clearly I have issues with the term.

I think the main reason why we still can't achieve total unity is because of this 'Malay rights' concept. I'd rather 'Malay rights' be replaced by human rights. So unless we get rid of this Bumiputra status, or reform our views and policies on rights, we will never achieve unity.

For my merdeka wish, I'd like for Malaysians to have more voice, to be respected and heard. I wish that the government would uphold the true essence of parliamentary democracy. I wish for the people to no longer fear and discriminate against each other, to see that we are one and the same.

I wish that Malaysia would truly live up to the tourism spin of Malaysia truly Asia . Malaysians to lead - whatever their ethnic background. Only ONE NATIONALITY MALAYSIAN. No Malays, No Chinese, No Indians - ONLY MALAYSIANS. Choose whatever religion one is comfortable with.

Remember it was Dr M & UMNO who destroyed Tunku's Malaysia .

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Salahkah takdir...

Apakah perlu kita salahkan takdir yang menimpa kita?

Persoalan ini berat bagi Ohalf menjawab kerna ianya ada kena mengena dgn diri Ohalf sendiri. Tapi bukan kisah Ohalf yang ingin Ohalf utarakan...tapi buat seseorang yang Ohalf anggap adik...dan bingkisan ini ditujukan khas buatnya...

Kemiskinan bukan satu alasan untuk kita kesali perjalanan hidup yang perlu kita tempuh, adakala kemiskinan itulah yang mengajar kita menjadi manusia atau sebaliknya. Begitu juga pada kesenangan tidak semestinya akan membawa kejayaan.

Kita boleh lari dari kesempitan hidup..hanya dengan diam dan tertekan sambil melontar senyum dan tawa kerna tak ada siapa yang tahu kesempitan hidup kita sebenarnya..apatah lagi hidup diatas belas orang diperantauan.

Kita boleh lari dan lari lagi sederas putaran roda motor dengan harapan masalah kehidupan kita akan jauh ketinggalan dan mencari tempat baru tampa kita sedari sebenarnya sekali menoleh kebelakang setiap putaran motor sedikit pun tidak menganjakan dari mana kita sebenarnya.

Kita rasakan, tindakan menimpa terlalu kejam dan kita berhak berhujah dengan lantang ...kerna kita punya hak dan harga diri. Ada benar semuanya lantaran setiap orang ada hak bersuara dan tegas akan pendirian. Tapi setiap tindakan itu...sendiri yang menentukan.

Pernahkah kita duduk sejenak memikirkan,

Kenapa Tuhan tidak adil pada diri aku selama ini...

Kenapa setiap cita cita menikmati kejayaan hancur...

Mana hak aku!!!

Betulkah tindakan aku tadi dan selama ini....

Patutkah aku bertindakan sedemikian...

Kenapa dia bertindak sedemikian pada aku...

Apa sebenarnya salahku...

Kenapa tidak bersimpati akan masalah aku...

Aku masih ada yang lain...yang boleh membantu !!!

Dia sendiri tidak sempurna..berlakon sama !!!

Cukup setakat ini....aku akan buktikan!!!

Dia berlagak pada aku !!!

Aku yang betul..sebab itu aku perlu katakan...CORRECTION!!!

Terguris atau tidak akan tindakan dan kata kata mungkin hanya seketika, kerana bagi Ohalf ianya bermula dari hati dan keihklasan...pada zul, kamu berhak atas diri sendiri dan segala ketentuan yang datang menimpa dan pasti ada terkandung hikmah disebaliknya.

Terima kasih buat selama ini...

Bagi Ohalf apa yang perlu diulas adalah hati dan keihklasan yang sememangnya hanya mainan manusia...ianya boleh berubah ubah mengikut keadaan dan melahirkan satu tindakan yang pengukurnya hanya ada pada Tuhan...Allah SWT.

6 January 2010.